16 d’agost 2011


Men are devil
And I like the Dark side Evil.


Said the men:
There’s not enough water on sea
To calm my thirst of She.

Said the women:
There’s not enough land on earth
To go away from these octopuses.

So I say:
The day men and women
Want the same, It will be a blame!


I love men with clean white teeth
If u doesn’t have them, you are not for me.
I love men with clean hair and clothes
If u don’t have them, you couldn’t be worse.
I love men wise, wit and kind,
I you are not, just don’t stand by
If u are a nice man, gentle and polite
Please come here, at my side!

© Carme Folch, 2011.


Dry Martiny que sou en el cel
Sia santificat el vostre nom
Vingui a nosaltres el vostre efecte
I faci’s la vostra voluntat
Aixa, en la Terra com ens duus al Cel.

La nostra copa de cada vespre
Dóna’ns-la avui també
I perdona’ns del bar el compte
Aixa com nosaltres beneïm al cambrer
I no ens deixis caure en l’abstenció
Ans lliura’ns de l’aigua.


© Carme Folch, 2011.